
Bloom Prints

Each photographic print is available in a limited edition of 100 8" x 8" prints. Prints are displayed in a 12" x 12" black frame (outside measurement is 14" x 14") with a white matte and conservation glass. Once the edition is finished, no more fine art prints will be created in this size. 

Photographs are printed on Epson enhanced matte paper with pigmented Epson inks. All materials are archival.

Framed - $115 each.

Unframed - $45 each

Bloom #1

Bloom #5

Bloom #9

Bloom #13

Bloom #17

Bloom #21

Bloom #25

Bloom #2

Bloom #6

Bloom #10

Bloom #14

Bloom #18

Bloom #22

Bloom #3

Bloom #7

Bloom #11

Bloom #15

Bloom #19

Bloom #23

Bloom #4

Bloom #8

Bloom #12

Bloom #16

Bloom #20

Bloom #24